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파일 파일 유형 언어
파일 파일 유형 언어  
  Global Supplier Quality Manual – MAN-00007 / 12; Portuguese Portuguese DOWNLOAD
  Global Supplier Quality Manual – MAN-00007 / 12; Chinese Chinese DOWNLOAD
  MAN-00011 MBD Technical Data Package Guide for Suppliers (German) General Supplier Guide German DOWNLOAD
  The 8D Process (for Litens Suppliers) – MAN-0004 / 2 General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD
  MAN-00040 Surface Profile Inspection Guideline for CMM – Portuguese General Supplier Guide Portuguese DOWNLOAD
  MAN-00040 Surface Profile Inspection Guideline for CMM – Chinese General Supplier Guide Chinese DOWNLOAD
  MAN-00040 Surface Profile Inspection Guideline for CMM – German General Supplier Guide German DOWNLOAD
  MAN-00040 Surface Profile Inspection Guideline for CMM – English General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD
  Supplier Request For Tooling Disposition (FRM-01845 / 2) Forms English DOWNLOAD
  MAN-00011 MBD Technical Data Package Guide for Suppliers (English) General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD
  Capacity Verification Sheet for Suppliers – FRM-01664 /4 Forms English DOWNLOAD
  FRM-01037 – Packaging Approval Data Sheet for Litens Germany Forms German DOWNLOAD
  Tooling Bailee Acknowledgment – FRM-00536/2 (Chinese) Forms Chinese DOWNLOAD
  Verwahrungsvertrag für Werkzeuge – FRM-00536/2 (German) Forms German DOWNLOAD
  Tooling Bailee Acknowledgment – FRM-00536/2 (English) Forms English DOWNLOAD
  Vendor Contact Form – FRM-00530 / R3 Forms English DOWNLOAD
  Supplier Request for Change Form FRM-00538 – Portuguese Forms Portuguese DOWNLOAD
  Supplier Request for Change Form FRM-00538 – German Forms German DOWNLOAD
  Supplier Request for Change Form FRM-00538 – English Forms English DOWNLOAD
  Supplier Request for Change Form (FRM-00538) – Chinese Forms Chinese DOWNLOAD
  Standard Pack Request Form (MCF-059) Forms English DOWNLOAD
  Process Sign-Off (PSO) Audit Form (English) – FRM-00004 / R4 Forms English DOWNLOAD
  Packaging Approval Specification Data Sheet (SMF-037) Forms English DOWNLOAD
  New Supplier Assessment & Information – (FRM-00005) Forms English DOWNLOAD
  Litens Supplier Financial Evaluation – (FRM-01451) Forms English DOWNLOAD
  Litens Global Contact List Forms English DOWNLOAD
  Contractor Health, Safety & Environment Package (FRM-00112) Forms English DOWNLOAD
  8D Problem Analysis (FRM-00483 / 3) Forms English DOWNLOAD
  Global Supplier Quality Manual – MAN-00007 / 12 Global Supplier Quality Manual English DOWNLOAD
  End-of-Life-Vehicles (ELV) Directive 2000/53/EC General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD
  MAN-00011 MBD Technical Data Package Guide for Suppliers (Chinese) General Supplier Guide Chinese DOWNLOAD
  Litens Automotive GmbH Co. KG _ Logistik Handbuch _ GER General Supplier Guide German DOWNLOAD
  Litens Automotive GmbH Co. KG _ Logistic Manual _ ENG General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD
  Suppliers Code Of Conduct Romanian General Supplier Guide Romanian DOWNLOAD
  Suppliers Code Of Conduct German General Supplier Guide German DOWNLOAD
  Suppliers Code Of Conduct Portuguese General Supplier Guide Portuguese DOWNLOAD
  Suppliers Code Of Conduct Chinese General Supplier Guide Chinese DOWNLOAD
  Suppliers Code Of Conduct General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD
  Litens Country of Origin Guideline (Excel) General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD
  LAC-Purchasing-Terms-and-Conditions_CN General Supplier Guide Chinese DOWNLOAD
  LAC-EDI-web-portal-guideline General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD
  LAC-EDI-web-portal-guideline-Chinese General Supplier Guide Chinese DOWNLOAD
  Litens China Packaging Handbook 3.0 General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD
  The 8D Process (for Litens Suppliers) – MAN-00004 / 2 General Supplier Guide Chinese DOWNLOAD
  The 8D Process (for Litens Suppliers) – MAN-00004 / 2 General Supplier Guide Portuguese DOWNLOAD
  Litens Packaging Handbook – LAP (MAN-00005 / 2) General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD
  Litens Terms and Conditions (2019) General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD
  Material Control Systems Requirement and Information – LAP General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD
  Litens Approved 3rd Party Sorting Companies General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD
  IMDS Guidelines General Supplier Guide English DOWNLOAD

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