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Hyundai Motor Co. and Hyundai WIA Corp. visits Litens Germany.

October 10, 2023
Hyundai Motor Co. and Hyundai WIA Corp. visits Litens Germany.

Hyundai and Hyundai WIA (affiliate company of Hyundai Motor Group in South Korea) visited Litens Germany in Gelnahusen on September 13, 2023.

Hyundai WIA is the only Korean company that produces automobile engines and produces parts such as engines, modules, and constant velocity joints, as well as basic materials for automobile parts. Both companies showed great interest in Litens’ thermal management product for Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs).

Hyundai WIA is developing eco-friendly management systems for vehicles and air compressors, which explains their interest in our HP Booster: a unique technology developed by Litens which expands the operation of heat pumps in BEVs and optimizes thermal management decisively.

The meeting was collectively hosted by Litens’ employees from Canada, Germany, and South Korea. This collaborative effort showcases a great deal of synchronization between our global and international teams. All teams contributed through their areas of expertise which generated a positive result.

The customers were impressed by Litens’ EV democar ID.4 and our teams’ high level of system knowledge in thermal management for BEVs.

The event was very successful, and Hyundai WIA showed their strong interest in partnering with Litens on our new technologies in electrification. Litens’ goal is to partner with OEMs across the globe to promote electrification and sustainable technologies.